Meet Timing Assignment

Session 1Friday Prelims13/OverBack up
Moksha Shah
Sessioin 2A11 and 12Lane 4
12:45-EndEmily Wu
session 4Sat Prelims13/OverBack up
Oliver Chen
Session 6ASat Mid10/UnderLane 5
1:30-EndScarlett Zhang
Session 6BSat Mid11 and 12Lane 5
3:30-5:15Berina Guo
5:15-EndZijie Tao
Session 8Sun Prelims13/OverLane 4
7:35-EndDavid Xu
Session 10ASun Mid11 and 12Lane 6
1:30-3:15Annabelle Zhang
3:15-EndMaddie Yang
Session 10BSun Mid10/UnderLane 5
4:30-EndEven Hung
The links to parking and spectator tickets will be on shortly.  Visiting team timers need to purchase tickets.  Also if your team has a backup timing assignment the timers need to check in and report when timers are called.
We are encouraging that there be only one spectator/per swimmer for the 12 & Unders.  Also since there is only one warmup for the 10 Under and 11/12 sessions, we need scratch sheets and relay cards no later than the “due by” time so all sessions start on-time.